Non-invasive and safe pain management for diabetic neuropathy through light therapy

Peripheral Neuropathy nerve damage occurs most commonly in people with diabetes. If you have diabetic neuropathy, you tend to have damaged nerves in your legs and feet and experience this with feet numbness, pins and needles and a burning sensation.  Diabetic neuropathy can be mild for some and severe and painful for others. In addition to medication, managing blood sugar and leading an active and healthy lifestyle, there are many complementary and alternative treatments available for diabetic neuropathy. At Advanced Pain Centres, our drug-free and non-invasive treatment supports the body to work to heal itself.  We use polychromatic light therapy and treatment to reverse nerve damage caused by diabetes.

Diabetic Neuropathy Pain Assessment

We begin by assessing the location, extent and severity of your nerve damage with our specialised testing and will know “What’s your score?”.  This screening allows us to see if you qualify to start treatment.  Knowing your score at the start allows us to monitor improvements in your condition as we will re-test over time.

Polychromatic Light Therapy and Treatment

We use pulsed, light emitting diodes known as low-level light therapy (LLLT) which is non-invasive and safe to use. This form of infrared and visible red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is used to relieve pain and to stimulate and enhance cell function.

Why does Polychromatic Light Therapy work?

Low-level light therapy stimulates Nitric Oxide in the body which improves blood circulation, reduces pain and creates an environment for optimal healing to take place. An example of how light therapy works can be seen in this animated clip.

How soon do I see results?

Many of our patients experience pain relief after the first session.  A complete session typically lasts 40 minutes. We have patient testimonials where they started with severe pain and/or numbness and progressed to minimal or no pain in three to eight weeks.

What can I do at home?

An important part of Advanced Pain Centre’s diabetic and nerve compression neuropathy treatment is the “homework” for patients to do at home. The instructions are specific for each patient and are easy to carry out at home.  Home care is an important part of the Neuropathy treatment.


If you are looking for a drug-free and non-surgical treatment for pain relief from diabetic neuropathy, we provide non-invasive and safe neuropathy treatment through light therapy.  For more information: